Molten Chocolate and Salted Caramel Tarts
For the caramel:
⅓ cup (75g) caster sugar
⅓ cup (80ml) cream
1 tbsp butter
a big pinch of salt
For the pastry:
2 sheets store bought shortcrust pastry
For the chocolate cake filling:
3 + ½ oz (75g) dark chocolate (70% cocoa solids)
3 tbsp (40g) butter
2 tbsp flour
2 eggs
4 tbsp (45g) sugar
1. First, make the caramel. Place the sugar into a medium heavy based saucepan, along with a splash of water. Bring to the boil over a medium heat, without stirring, and cook to an amber colour (about 4-5 minutes).
2. Remove from the heat, and carefully add the cream and butter, and stir until combined. Place back on the heat and bring to the boil, then add the salt, turn off the heat and set aside to cool completely.
3. To make the pastry cases, lightly grease a standard 12 cup muffin tin and preheat the oven to 350F/170C. Cut out eight, 4 inch (10cm) circles from the pastry sheets and carefully transfer them to the muffin holes. Press the pastry into the holes firmly, overlapping the edges if they rumple up. Prick the bases a few times with a fork.
4. Place the tray into the freezer for at least 15 minutes, and then bake them for 15 minutes, or until golden and cooked through. The freezing should prevent them from shrinking in the oven.
5. While the tart shells are cooking, melt the chocolate and butter together in a small bowl in the microwave. Stir the flour into the chocolate mixture.
6. Whip the eggs and flour together in a mixer or with handheld beaters, until very light and pale, about 5 minutes. Pour the chocolate into the eggs, and fold them gently together until there are no streaks remaining in the batter.
7. Pour about 1 tsp of caramel into each tart shell (you might have a little extra), and then divide the chocolate filling between the shells.
8. Bake for 6-8 minutes, or until the tops of the tarts are matte, and the tarts have only a slight jiggle in the middle of the filling. Leave to cool briefly, before serving warm or hot, with ice cream, cream whipped cream or nothing.