Chocolate Cheesecake


1 packet (250g) chocolate biscuits, blend to crumbs
100g unsalted butter, melted

200g Toblerone
100g premium dark cooking chocolate
250g cream cheese (I use light Philadelphia)
200ml whipping cream
250g mascarpone


200g Toblerone (or half a one if you discover someone who looks a lot like you has eaten half of it before you get to using it)
Or grated dark chocolate


1. Grease round 20cm springform cake tin. tip: turn removable base of tin upside down so the cheesecake base won’t stick into the groove that forms at the join.
2. Mix biscuit crumbs and butter well, press firmly into base of tin. Place tin into fridge to chill base while making the filling.
3. Melt Toblerone and dark chocolate in top bowl of a double-boiler over medium heat. Leave to cool slightly.
4. Whip cream cheese until smooth and creamy. In another bowl whip cream to medium stiffness (mousse-like texture). Add to cream cheese along with mascarpone and combine well. Stir in melted Toblerone and dark chocolate and stir until nice and creamy and chocolatey.
5. Pour mixture onto the cheesecake base. Chill overnight or for at least 8 hours. Remove from refrigerator and decorate with broken Toblerone pieces or grated chocolate.
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